
Mary Lake Association Membership

Being Part of a Community

The benefits of membership are numerous. Our membership benefits by receiving current information on shoreline health, water quality through regular water testing of the lake, knowledge of educational workshops and seminars and current correspondence from the MNR and the Town of Huntsville’s Planning Department. When issues affecting Mary Lake & adjoining waterways are on the Town Council’s Agenda you can be guaranteed an MLA board member is attending that meeting to find out the details. We are consistently reviewing all shoreline development to ensure compliance with the Mary Lake Plan. The MLA has established relations with the Town, the MNR, and Watershed personnel alongside other local groups. For our members a lost and found service has developed over the years helping to return docks and boats misplaced or carried away in a storm. Many members have benefited from this. In short, your membership dollars help to maintain the environmental health of our lake, enables us to monitor developments which affect the state of Mary Lake, empowers us to represent the needs of its members and monitors the policies and activities of all levels of government and non-government agencies. We will inform members of local issues through our newsletters and our Annual General Meeting in July. The MLA stays abreast with our fellow associations in Muskoka with ongoing events in their areas. In event of major developments, we can count on our fellow associations to support us in our efforts to provide and maintain our beautiful lake, homes and cottages, and our communities. These are all worthwhile reasons to belong to the MLA. We appreciate you passing the word to your neighbours.

Where do my membership dues go?

Meetings, newsletter and mailings, and to our reserve contingency fund which is used to support lake projects. Some recent expenditures from our reserve fund are:

  • The Installation of channel buoys on the North end of the lake at the river mouth
  • $1400 for 3000 copies of the Mary Lake Plan to promote it with members and the community.
  • $10000 for the preparation of the French Report on Water levels to protect docks and shorelines
  • $4500 to prepare the Mary Lake Plan

All large expenditures like these are approved by the membership.

Your board are all volunteers who receive no remuneration.